#ThrowbackThursday – Guess Who? – Check Your Answer!
We have another fun #ThrowbackThursday photo to share with our readers on this Thursday.
The judge in this photo was an iconic Dachshund breeder and professional handler of many breeds. She also became a top judge. The handler showed top dogs for decades before becoming a much-respected AKC rep. The trophy presenter is now a judge of the Sporting group and BIS with some hounds mixed in, and she is a icon in the breed of Golden Retrievers.
Can you name all three? Guess Who?
Check back on Monday for the correct answer!
Thank you to all for your enthusiastic participation! Pictured left to right is Lorraine Heichel, Mike Shea and Bernadette Cox.
Don’t forget! Do you have a fun photo that you would like to share for #ThrowbackThursday? Email Cheslie at cheslie@caninechronicle.com with your photos.
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