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Table Talk – January 10, 2018

I have returned from what I believe is one of the prettiest shows in the country.  The Kennel Club of Palm Springs, with two days of specialties and two days of all breeds, never disappoints!  This year’s entry at the all-breed shows was 3500-plus making this show one of the largest in the country.  The Empire Polo Show Grounds are simply stunning with a mountainous background, lush green grass, level rings and just an overall stunning atmosphere.  There’s a great restaurant on the grounds (which is quite convenient) with very good food and cocktails for those who may be interested in an adult beverage.  This year’s weather was better than I ever remember:  Normally we start in winter coats and Uggs, and have shed down to the bottom layer by about 11 am.  Then, when the sun goes down around 4, it starts to cool off and we can easily be back in winter coats and Uggs within an hour of sunset.  Not this year, my friends!  The weather was simply divine:  it did not get “cold” at all!

Speaking of “Cold”:  Shows in other parts of the country were not so lucky!  The shows in South Carolina were very uncomfortable for exhibitors with an unheated building and very cold conditions.  We have to say this cold snap in the South was an anomaly. It was a once-in-50-years event. I know the exhibitors were miserable, but it was very unusual to have this kind of weather.

Meanwhile, the Land O’Lakes shows in St. Paul, Minnesota had a bit of a mishap when a pipe burst and caused some handler set-ups to flood.  Fortunately, no one was injured and after the mess was cleaned up, everything returned to normal.

The shows in Tallmadge, Ohio also had some cold conditions, but fortunately that building is heated.  There was a bit of confusion about making indoor ex-pen provisions, but I believe that was all worked out to the mutual satisfaction of the exhibitors and show committee.

I was happy to be able to meet and catch up with Erin Olsen’s mom, Carolyn Hamilton.  Carolyn is now back in the ring after being away from the dog show scene since 2002. She has relocated to Prescott, Arizona.  She brought her dog to the Palm Springs shows and “jumped back on the horse”.  I was so pleased when she told me how kind and welcoming everyone was to her and sincerely hope the positive experience brings her back for good!  Welcome back, Carolyn!

It was nice to have a little bit of Buffalo, New York with us this past weekend as Heidi Kellerman came from the frozen tundra and joined the Western Team to help out at the Purina booth.  Nice to have you with us, Red!!!

The flu is really wreaking havoc all over the country, and within our dog family!  Sadly, two healthy fanciers have died from the flu.  Our most sincere sympathies are with the family and friends of Golden Retriever fancier Leslie Blythe who died from flu complications at the age of 61.  Viszla fancier Esther Pilkington was admitted to the hospital several days ago and died of pneumonia a few days later.  Esther was not yet 60 years old.

This flu thing is serious!  Please do everything you can to stay healthy and if you have symptoms, please stay home!

Condolences to Pam Lambie and her family on the loss of her father. He was 92.  May you find comfort in the fact that he led a full and happy life.

I am also heartbroken to report that Alessandra Folz-Stymiest’s famous Weimeraner “Marge” has passed away at 14 years of age.  Hang in there, kiddo we are all thinking about you.

Many of us were very concerned about Abbe Shaw who had to evacuate her beautiful home in Santa Barbara due to the fires.  I saw Abbe this past weekend and she reported that they are back home and everyone is safe and healthy!!!!  Unfortunately, they are now dealing with mudslides, boil orders, no utilities, and the issues just keep on coming.  Several people have died as a result of the mudslides caused by the lack of foliage, which was destroyed by the fires.  To all affected:  You continue to be in our thoughts.

Our thoughts are with Ric Plaut who had double knee replacement surgery this week.  Here’s hoping you are back up and around the rings soon, Ric!

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Harry Miller, Colette Livingston-Keith, Evalyn Gregory, Eileen Hackett and Tara Schultz.

Please keep in touch, my friends!  I want to hear your ideas about topics to cover, trips, anniversaries, birthdays, and anything else you would like to share with your dog family!

Wherever your travels take you, please be careful, and remember:  Win with grace, lose with grace, be kind to your fellow exhibitors, and help out a newbie!

Until next time…

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