#NextGeneration Spotlight – Lio Mato
We want to see our readers #NextGeneration photos to be shared on The #CanineChronicle!
Thank you Gigi Goesling for sharing this absolutely adorable photo of Lio Mato (2.5 years old) helping his mom Ciara Cassell groom CoCo, an Old English Sheepdog, in Orlando. Gigi says, “It is a family affair at MGM Handling and that is what I love about this family. Sofia and Lio love on CoCo when she is with them. These pictures that are sent mean the world to me – love is on the road and in the ring!”
Do your children train the puppies? Do they love to groom the dogs and get them show ready? Do they help whelp litters? Do they help take candid photos? Do your kids just love spending time with the dogs? Please share photos of your Next Generation (2 legged and 4 legged) with us! We want to see them! Email Gia at Gia.Garofalo@caninechronicle.com with your photos!
Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=316014
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