Western Ohio Summer Cluster Rescheduled Dates August 14-16th 2020
The Western Ohio Summer Cluster is pleased to announce the rescheduled dates for our shows. Our cluster will be held August 14-16 at the Lima Kennel Club show grounds in Lima, Ohio.
The revised premium will be available soon at www.executivedogshows.com. Entries will be limited to 1250 dogs. Entries received for the originally scheduled June shows will be transferred to the August shows unless written cancellation has been received at executivedogshows@yahoo.com.
The Miami Valley Labrador Specialties will continue as scheduled at the Lima Fairgrounds June 26th and June 27th. This show is limited to 200 dogs. Information is available at www.executivedogshows.com.
All shows will be held in accordance with COVID-19 guidelines. Detailed health and safety guidelines will be available at www.executivedogshows.com prior to the show closing date.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon. Stay well!
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