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Ulster County (NY) Considering Breeder Regulations on Wednesday (8/12)

The Ulster County Legislature is holding a public hearing on Wednesday on a proposal that would regulate hobby breeders residing in the county.  County residents are encouraged to consider attending the hearing and contact the county legislators to express concerns with the proposal as currently written.

The meeting information is as follows:

Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No. 12
Wednesday, August 12, 6:30 pm
Ulster County Legislative Chambers, 6th Floor, COB
244 Fair Street
Kingston, NY 12401


Current New York state law allows localities to regulate “pet dealers”, which the state defines as those who sell more than 9 dogs in a year. Current state law also exempts breeders who raise 25 or fewer on their property.

A new proposal in Ulster County would remove the exemption for breeders who raise 25 or fewer dogs in a year and also regulate as dealers anyone who sells more than one litter (of any size) or more than 9 dogs and/or cats in a year. Those who meet the definition of dealer would be subject to licensing and inspection, and be required to comply with many other requirements. The inspections may be conducted by local animal welfare organizations under contract by the county, rather than by county law enforcement officials or employees.

Other areas of concern include “one-size-fits-all” kennel temperature requirements, which may not be appropriate for all breeds and a requirement for unfettered access to an outdoor exercise area, with no apparent exceptions for times when the area is being cleaned, for weather conditions, or other health and safety concerns.

The AKC believes the proposal as currently written will be very costly and difficult to enforce, and many provisions are not in the best interest of dogs or those who responsibly raise dogs in their homes.

Local breeders and hobbyists are encouraged to review the proposal for a full list of requirements.

For questions and more information, contact AKC Government Relations at (919) 816-3720 or 

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