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OFA Board of Directors Commits $75,000 In New Canine Health Research Grant Funding

Columbia, Missouri, Wednesday, October 31, 2012 – At its Annual Meeting the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) Board of Directors approved $75,000 in new canine health research grant sponsorships. The funding will be directed through approved grants at the AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) and the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF). Specific research areas include genetic disease mapping studies for cardiomyopathy, subaortic stenosis, cruciate ligament rupture, osteochondritis dissecans, renal dysplasia, cataracts, and urinary stones. The research will be conducted at several of the world’s leading academic and research institutions including North Carolina State University, the Broad Institute, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Helsinki, the Animal Health Trust in the UK, Washington State University, and the University of Minnesota.


In addition to regular funding of canine health research grants through the AKC CHF and MAF, as a not-for-profit foundation focused on companion animal health, the OFA contributes regularly through the following programs:


· Through the CHIC DNA Repository, the OFA has underwritten nearly $100,000 in DNA banking expenses involved in DNA sample collections for future canine health research. Over 16,000 samples have been banked to date, and over 2,000 samples have been provided at no cost to canine health researchers all over the world.

· The OFA’s endowed scholarship program at the University Of Missouri College Of Veterinary Medicine supports annual scholarships to deserving veterinary students.

· The OFA funds veterinary student attendance at educational events such as the AKC CHF Biennial National Parent Club Health Conference.

· The OFA’s Richard Fox Memorial Fund supports summer research fellowships.

· The OFA’s new Eye Certification Registry supports the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation to support research leading to the elimination of ocular diseases causing vision loss and suffering in animals.


These programs have amounted to over $150,000 in direct support for its mission to improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease over the last two years, and over $3 million in combined contributions since the OFA’s founding in 1966.


For more information please visit the OFA website at



Eddie Dziuk

OFA, Columbia, MO


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