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NY Senate Considering Two Bills to Protect Dogs

Two bills being scheduled for votes in the New York Senate would benefit New York dogs and responsible dog owners:

Senate Bill 1495 would criminalize stealing a pet from someone’s property. While it does not address pets stolen when off the owner’s property, the AKC believes this is an excellent step that will provide law enforcement with an important tool to penalize those who steal pets from a person’s home or property.

Senate Bill 6418 amends current law to further protect dogs left in vehicles under extreme temperatures. The bill would allow police and peace officers to remove a companion animal from a vehicle if the confinement may place the animal in imminent danger of death or serious physical injury. The bill also removes the word “knowingly”, so anyone who violates the law, regardless of intent, is held accountable and will be fined. The AKC supports this bill that further holds dog owners accountable when travelling with their pets. AKC further supports current law, which allows for dogs to be kept in vehicles with proper ventilation or other protections against extreme temperatures.

Read AKC’s previous Legislative Alert for more details on these two bills.

What You Can Do:

Both of these bills have passed committee and are being scheduled for Senate votes. New York residents are encouraged to contact their State Senate and ask them to support these bills.

To find the name and contact information for your State Senator, visit and use the “Find My Senator” box on the left side of the page. You may also complete this online form, which will use your address to send your message directly to your State Senator.

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Posted by on May 19 2014. Filed under Breaking News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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