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Alexandria Kennel Club – Saturday, January 28, 2023

Show Name: Alexandria Kennel Club
Location: Alexandria, LA
Show Date: Saturday, January 28, 2023
Total Entry: 754
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Jon R. Cole
Show Photographer(s):
Garden Studio, Inc. – Greg Smith • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHP Lk Michigan Im Yours [Dog]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Megan Hof
Owner: M & R Boomsliter
Breeder: M Boomsliter, S Ritter, C Hawkins & J Woelzlein

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHP Ringo Star Ot Nevskogo Hobbita [Dog]
Reserve Breed: English Toy Spaniel Bl & PC
Reserve Handler: Christopher Keith
Reserve Owner: P & R Caldwell
Breeder: N E Sedykh

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine

Total Entry: 133
Dog Reg: GCHS Aspyre Cat Got Ur Tongue [Bitch]
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Ash Oldfield
Owner: H & K Spey & Dr. B & T Truesdale
Dog Reg: CH Ivywoods Rhinestone Cowboy [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Cocker)
Owner: N Pearson, D Mauterer DVM & B Barrett DVM
Breeder: N Pearson & D Mauterer DVM
Dog Reg: CH Tamaracks Pink Martini [Bitch]
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Owner: K Whipple
Breeder: K Whipple & J & A Andras
Dog Reg: GCH Jubelend Waterbound Orions Belt [Dog]
Breed: Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
Handler: Nancy Pincus
Owner: S Fuller & C Mullins

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Raymond V. Filburn Jr.

Total Entry: 107
Dog Reg: GCHP Starline Windborn Classique [Bitch]
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Lori Wilson-Paust
Owner: J Zolezzi, L Wilson-Paust & J Truitt
Breeder: L Lawrence & L Wilson-Paust
Dog Reg: GCHG Kazuris All I Want For Christmas CGC TKN [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Handler: Michael Kurtzner
Owner: S Sweetman & M & K Kurtzner
Breeder: S Sweetman & M & K Kurtzner
Dog Reg: GCHG Soyaras Devilish Delilah [Bitch]
Breed: Borzoi
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: P & G Hlatky
Breeder: Prudence & Gregory Hlatky
Dog Reg: GCH Aliki The Frond Files [Dog]
Breed: Ibizan Hound
Handler: Jordan Moore
Owner: J Moore, A Mirestes & A Chapuis
Breeder: A Mirestes & B & S Reding

Working Judge’s Name: Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine

Total Entry: 90
Dog Reg: GCHS Timberknolls Golden Bow CGC [Dog]
Breed: Newfoundland
Owner: K Bias, B Edds & P Sutherland
Breeder: B Edds & P Southerland
Dog Reg: GCH OBlakos Guardian Spirit Tazi [Dog]
Breed: Samoyed
Owner: C Bates
Dog Reg: GCH Beautiful Black Eli The Great CGC [Dog]
Breed: Black Russian Terrier
Handler: David Harper
Owner: K Johnson
Breeder: K Johnson
Dog Reg: GCH Vikingus King Olaf The Warrior [Dog]
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Handler: Brenda Lee Combs
Owner: G & C Calero

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Jon R. Cole

Total Entry: 70
Dog Reg: GCHB Den-Mars Dressed To Party [Dog]
Breed: Norwich Terrier
Handler: Brenda Combs
Owner: M Cato & S Bennett
Breeder: Marie Cato
Dog Reg: CH Sherwood CK Dexter Haven [Dog]
Breed: Airedale Terrier
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: L & S Bryan
Dog Reg: CH Crimsonscots Boulder To Birmingham [Bitch]
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Owner: G Smith
Breeder: G Smith
Dog Reg: CH Glentom Change of Heart [Dog]
Breed: Bull Terrier (Colored)
Owner: Glenna Wright & Terri Cournoyer

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Raymond V. Filburn Jr.

Total Entry: 159
Dog Reg: GCHP Ringo Star Ot Nevskogo Hobbita [Dog]
Breed: English Toy Spaniel Bl & PC
Handler: Christopher Keith
Owner: P & R Caldwell
Breeder: N E Sedykh
Dog Reg: GCH ILove Rhapsody Always Full Of Wisdom [Dog]
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Tonia Holibaugh
Owner: Cynthia Chan Lee
Breeder: Cynthia Chan Lee
Dog Reg: CH SWs Mafioso [Dog]
Breed: Pekingese
Handler: Hiram Stewart
Owner: Ly Rick
Dog Reg: CH Dar-Rich All Star Ets Maybe Yes Maybe No [Bitch]
Breed: Toy Fox Terrier
Owner: W Howard & J Sandoval

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert L. Vandiver

Total Entry: 103
Dog Reg: CH Master Rock Calaco (Alonso/Tojo) [Dog]
Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
Handler: Dylan Kipp Keith
Owner: S Tojo & M Alonso
Breeder: S Tojo & M Alonso
Dog Reg: GCH Tai Fanza Que Sera Sera [Bitch]
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Handler: Elvin Izaguirre
Owner: S Shen Weijie
Breeder: L Kudirkiene
Dog Reg: GCHB Tricreeks True To My Heart [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Owner: M Klein & J King
Dog Reg: GCHS Lantanas Time To Talk At Bradmar [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Handler: Terri Galle
Owner: B Eymard, M Marler & G Krall
Breeder: C Zieris & S Carroll

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Raymond V. Filburn Jr.

Total Entry: 92
Dog Reg: GCHP Lk Michigan Im Yours [Dog]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Megan Hof
Owner: M & R Boomsliter
Breeder: M Boomsliter, S Ritter, C Hawkins & J Woelzlein
Dog Reg: GCH Heatherfield Black Tie Affair [Dog]
Breed: Collie (Rough)
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: H Luster
Dog Reg: GCHS JBK The Battalion Of A&M At Baletka [Dog]
Breed: Border Collie
Handler: David Harper
Owner: D Baletka & J Keener
Breeder: J Keener
Dog Reg: GCHS Mika Take Me To The Top Liswyn At Legacy [Dog]
Breed: Belgian Sheepdog
Owner: C Ryder, K Sutton & L Leffingwell
Breeder: K Sutton DVM & L Leffingwell

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Posted by on Jan 28 2023. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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