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Bell County Kennel Club – Sunday, October 18, 2015

Show Name: Bell County Kennel Club
Location: Belton, TX
Show Date: Sunday, October 18, 2015
Total Entry: 886
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Anne Katona
Dog Reg: GCH Beachstones Blacklist [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Handler: Jessica Brickett
Owner: K Osper & L Rambo

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh By U Cals Monkey On The Bayou [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Basset Hound
Reserve Handler: Nancy Pearson
Reserve Owner: S & S Calhoun & B Williams
Breeder: Sharon & Steve Calhoun & Bette Williams

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Joy Brewster

Total Entry: 192
Dog Reg: GCH Beachstones Blacklist [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Handler: Jessica Brickett
Owner: K Osper & L Rambo
Dog Reg: GCh Telltale American Ride [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Handler: Robin Novack
Owner: C Florence, D Strong, B Fink, R Novack & D & C Van Vorst
Breeder: Celie Florence, Delores Strong & Robin Novack
Dog Reg: GCh Alliebeckscion Love On The Rocks [Bitch]
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Handler: Dylan Kipp
Owner: D Senterfitt & G Weisbart
Breeder: Diane Senterfitt & Pat Simpson
Dog Reg: GCh Ehrenvogel Achy Breaky Heart [Dog]
Breed: Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Handler: Renee Lara
Owner: C Swensson & M Lara
Breeder: Marina Renee Lara D.V.M. & Ann Claire Lester

Hound Judge’s Name: Dr. Michael Woods

Total Entry: 117
Dog Reg: GCh By U Cals Monkey On The Bayou [Dog]
Breed: Basset Hound
Handler: Nancy Pearson
Owner: S & S Calhoun & B Williams
Breeder: Sharon & Steve Calhoun & Bette Williams
Dog Reg: GCh Crown Jewel Tatiana [Bitch]
Breed: Borzoi
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: J Durdin
Breeder: Jean Durdin
Dog Reg: GCh Blueprints Top Of The Line [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Handler: Brooke Young
Owner: B & R Ayala & R Dirksen
Breeder: Brooke Ayala & Rudy Ayala III
Dog Reg: GCh Bessdachs Jaguar Jubilee [Bitch]
Breed: Dachshund (Smoothhaired)
Handler: Renee Lara
Owner: G Lopez & M Lara
Breeder: Denise Siemssen, Marina Renee Lara D.V.M. & Jimmie Lloyd

Working Judge’s Name: Dr. Michael Woods

Total Entry: 156
Dog Reg: GCh Goldleaf’s Trouble Coming CGC [Dog]
Breed: Mastiff
Handler: Terry Smith
Owner: L Watson & P Winter
Breeder: Monica Coyle, Jann & Mark Lanz & Laura Watson
Dog Reg: GCh Old Missions Lucid Dream [Bitch]
Breed: Great Dane
Handler: Douglas Toomey
Owner: B Hainline, S Cummings, T Smallwood, K Toomey & S Blades
Breeder: Stephanie Blades
Dog Reg: GCh Highlanders Rumour Has It [Dog]
Breed: Siberian Husky
Handler: Laura King
Owner: M Ralsky & C Pacht
Breeder: Anne & Brian Palmer
Dog Reg: GCh Fidelis Ripcord [Dog]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Dylan Kipp
Owner: C Mitchell, E Gould, J Huston & C Austin
Breeder: Colleen Mitchell & Jody Huston

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. John Wade

Total Entry: 59
Dog Reg: GCh Gangways Mission Excavator [Dog]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Owner: K Medford, B Brown & M Larsen
Breeder: Bryan Brown & Mary Jo Larsen
Dog Reg: Ch Kelwyns Warrior Princess CA [Bitch]
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Jesus Moreno
Owner: K Edell
Breeder: Kelli Edell
Dog Reg: GCh Doubletrees Apollo On Stage [Dog]
Breed: Standard Manchester Terrier
Handler: Terry Smith
Owner: E Harris & T Smith
Breeder: Terry Smith & Bradley Jenkins
Dog Reg: Knowbulls N Knowjokes Legacy Of The Empire [Dog]
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Handler: Rebecca Gear
Owner: Denise Spies & Maruzzella DelaGarza

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. John Ramirez

Total Entry: 161
Dog Reg: GCh Bookmarks Uncommonly Good [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Handler: Christopher Keith
Owner: P & R Caldwell
Breeder: Patti & Richard Caldwell
Dog Reg: Ch. Keenorth Strike A Pose [Bitch]
Breed: Chinese Crested
Handler: Jessie Barringer
Owner: Elizabeth Fortino & Jessie Barringer
Dog Reg: Ch Marlex Lulin Heat Wave [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Pinscher
Handler: Larry Dewey
Owner: A Angelbello & L Dewey
Breeder: Armando Angelbello & Luis Colarte
Dog Reg: GCh Novel Backroads Run For The Roses [Dog]
Breed: English Toy Spaniel KC & Rb
Handler: Heather Reid
Owner: S Plance & H & M Reid
Breeder: Shelly Hepler

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. John Booth

Total Entry: 79
Dog Reg: GCH Sandstorm Slamma Jamma [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Poodle
Owner: Joann Neal
Dog Reg: GCh Dowats The Gladiator [Dog]
Breed: Bulldog
Handler: Dennis O’Connor
Owner: J Vasquez & L Scott
Breeder: Sean & Alisha Worley & Lucky & Donna Watson
Dog Reg: GCh Bigstars Unchained At Hannon Hill [Dog]
Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: B Mosing, E Burch, L Pierce & D Gonzalez
Breeder: Ian little & Lisa Pierce
Dog Reg: GCh Primah Moment In Time [Bitch]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Handler: Christopher Keith
Owner: C Zieris & S Carroll
Breeder: Carole Zieris

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Sandy Wheat

Total Entry: 122
Dog Reg: GCh Aubrey’s Moon River [Bitch]
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Sherri Samel Hurst
Owner: C & V Savioli
Breeder: Cynthia & Vincent Savioli & Roberta Lord
Dog Reg: GCh Breezy Oaks Celebrity Apprentice [Dog]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Jesus Moreno
Owner: B Gray-Lotterhos & J Moore
Breeder: Jimmeye & James Moore
Dog Reg: Ch Cambridge The Torchbearer [Dog]
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Handler: Jamie Ennis
Owner: S McCambridge
Breeder: Sandra McCambridge
Dog Reg: GCh Love That American Red White And Blue CM17
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Owner: Jeanie & Dr. Douglas McAdams
Breeder: Jeanie McAdams & Karen Keller
Jr Judge: Mr. John Ramirez
Jr Handler: Andrea Landers See Rankings
Jr Dog Reg: Ch Confettis Clash Of The Titans [Dog]
Jr Breed: Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)

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Posted by on Oct 18 2015. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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