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Cane Corso Longevity Research Project

Evžen Korec, MSc., Ph.D. would like to ask you for your help with our worldwide monitoring of long-lived male and female dogs of Cane Corso dog breed (more than 12 years).
Our aim is a prolongation of age at death of Cane Corso dog breed using appropriate breeding. My team is focusing on a research in this field.
In a cooperation with 25 Cane Corso kennels from all over the world we achieved for the first time to determine a median age at death of Cane Corso dogs on statistically significant group. During our research we also discovered certain connections which will help to prolong the lifespan of Cane Corso dogs. The article summarizing all our findings is about to be published in an international scientific journal. After the publication of our research we will inform all kennels interested. Our research is also focused on mapping genes responsible for dog’s longevity.
We ask owners of Cane Corso dogs to fill in a short questionnaire. We will inform them about our study, goals and plans immediately. All cooperating kennels will be introduced to recent findings of our research about the lifespan prolongation of Cane Corso dogs as a matter of priority. We also offer free consultations regarding dog genetics for cooperating kennels.
Every Cane Corso dog owner can find and fill in the short questionnaire on our website:
ABOUT Dr. Korec:
I graduated in genetics at Faculty of Science, Charles University. I received my Ph.D. at Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Science, where I had been employed as a research worker over a long period. I worked at many top universities in Europe (Göttingen, London, Paris). I’m a co-author of 11 patents and more than 20 research articles published in leading international scientific journals. The most important articles can be found in the database Publication in Medicine ( Recently I am a director of ZOO in Tábor, Czech Republic (

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Posted by on Jun 20 2017. Filed under Health & Training. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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