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Update on Nicole Keys Following Near Fatal Car Accident

Nicole Key’s parents, Ty and Cindy Keys, would like to update the fancy on Nicole’s condition following her near fatal car accident on Thursday morning. They would also like to thank the fancy for their prayers and support for Nicole during this very difficult time, as well as enlist more prayers and positive thought from others in the fancy, even those that do not know Nicole personally.

As of early Monday morning, December 1, Nicole remains in a coma and on a ventilator. Nicole had an additional surgery over the weekend to replace a wire which measures the IntraCranialPressure in her head. She continues to have high spikes in her IntraCranialPressure. The swelling in her brain must go down before she can wake up from the coma. Early Monday morning, Nicole was breathing over the ventilator on occasion. It is also anticipated she will have a tracheostomy to decrease the trauma that the breathing tube will have on her vocal cords.

Nicole is only responding to painful stimuli. Her family is pleased that she has had positive EEG results, noting that there is brain activity and no seizure activity.

Nicole’s family is praying that her IntraCranial pressure remain low, that her temperature remains low or normal, that she does not get an infection from her upcoming procedures and surgeries, and that she wakes up from her coma.

Ty and Cindy Keys are trying to keep things as normal as possible for their two other daughters, Hannah and Gabby. Ty and Cindy are taking time off of work to be with Nicole. Their faith has given them great strength during this incredibly difficult time.

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