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Table Talk · January 1, 2025


Happy New Year everyone!  May 2025 bring you happiness, prosperity, good health, and beautiful dogs.  I hope everyone’s hopes and dreams for the coming year come true!

As we begin 2025, please remember to give kindness and support of your fellow fanciers.  If you are looking for a New Year’s resolution, joining a kennel club in your area is a good one.  Remember shows do not happen without active volunteers.

There has been a great deal of discussion recently regarding appropriate behavior for ringside photographers. A recent discussion on social media was initiated because a judge stated that a photographer made derogatory comments about a dog at ringside.  I have had discussions with exhibitors who say they sometimes feel pressured to purchase photographs because they are concerned that a particular photographer will talk negatively about their dog.  If this is true, it’s very unfortunate. There are many talented photographers out there these days. There are ringside photographers who have a passion for the sport and have great talent at catching those movement shots and in-ring moments that exhibitors cherish.  There are official show photographers that have an eye for getting the best win shot possible.  No one should be bullied into purchasing any photograph. The only reason to buy a picture is because the image portrays their dog at its best.  I encourage judges and exhibitors who witness questionable behavior from a photographer at a show to bring it to the Show Chair and AKC Executive Field Representative’s attention

As a community, the dog fancy is generally a wonderful and welcoming environment.  We have all made lifetime friends, and some have met their life partner at dog shows.  Our community is one that I cherish, and I am very proud to be a part of it.  This fact was illustrated to AKC Judge Debbie Melgreen in Orlando. As she was leaving the Hyatt Regency after the AKC National Championship, she was told by the bellman that the dog show people are by far his favorite group of the year.  He explained how much he enjoys the camaraderie with everyone congratulating and wishing good luck to each other.  He said the dog show people seem more like family than competitors!  Thank you to the fancy for allowing our community to be viewed in such a positive light!

Kudos to all who had a part in putting together the ABC Broadcast of the 2024 AKC National Championship.  In my opinion, this production was fantastic for our sport!  It proved that every breed winner can have its moment on tv, and each breed represented can have a description of it.  Thank you to each and every person involved with this broadcast.

Heads up to all Juniors heading to the Rose City Classic in Portland in January.  If you want to enter the Limited Juniors event on Saturday, you must enter this class separately.  Don’t miss out!!

I am saddened to report the passing of Captain Jean Heath, a distinguished Navy Veteran, and a renowned breeder of purebred dogs.  Jean passed away at the age of 92 on December 24, 2024.  Jean will be remembered for her dedication and passion to purebred dogs.  She will be truly missed by the fancy.  Please be sure to read Jean’s memorial at: https://caninechronicle.com/breaking-news/remembering-capt-jean-l-heath-u-s-navy-retired/.

The Canine Chronicle hit a milestone recently as it celebrates it golden anniversary with its 50th year in business. As the oldest continuously published dog show publication in the United States, the Chronicle has grown from a black and white newspaper to the beautiful monthly publication it is today.  With the evolution of the internet, the Chronicle provides incredible support and information to the fancy via the Canine Chronicle website, Facebook page and Canine Chronicle TV!  I have been blessed to be a part of the fun for the last 10-plus years and look forward to spending many more years ahead with each and every one of you!  Happy Anniversary to my Canine Chronicle family!  Congratulations Tom and Amy!

Happy Anniversary to Doug and Mandy Carlson who are celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary!  It is hard to believe that you love birds are old enough to have been married for 23 years!  Here’s to many more happy years ahead for you.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include  Joey Vergnetti, Lisa Arnett, Elaine Reisman, Bonnie Threfall, Sicily Coniglio, Mary Miller, Deb Shindle and Adam Peterson.  Have a great 2025, my friends.

I look forward to bringing in the New Year with those of you lucky enough to be attending the Kennel Club of Palm Springs this week!  Keep your eyes open for my roving studio and join in the Table Talk Live fun!

Until next time…

Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=315587

Posted by on Jan 1 2025. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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