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Send Us Your #FormFollowsFunction Photos!

All dog breeds were bred to perform a specific purpose. We want to see our readers’ dogs doing the work they were bred to do to be shared on The Canine Chronicle!

Thank you Amanda Mowery for sharing this Form Follows Function photo of your Irish Red And White Setter, GCH Hubertus From Old Crudsand Harbour JH, doing what he was bred to do! After attending the National Specialty, Knoll is headed to the field to work on his Master Hunter title. According to the American Kennel Club, “The rollicking Irish Red and White Setter is an athletic medium-sized bird dog bred primarily for hunting. Sportsmen thrill at the sight of a noble Red and White frozen on point, motionless as a statue. These medium-to-large bird dogs are powerful, solid, and sinewy, with enough stamina and bird sense to get the job done any day of the week and twice on Sunday. The stunning coat, vivid red islands floating on a sea of pearl white, has a practical function: It enables hunters to spot their dog at a distance.”

Was your dog bred to hunt? Bred to herd cattle? Was he bred to rescue or guard? Was he bred to hunt rats? Please share your best Form Follows Function photos with us! We want to see them! Email Gia at with your photos!

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Posted by on Sep 4 2024. Filed under Current Articles, Featured, The Buzz. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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  • September 2024