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From The CC Vault: A Disregard For The Breed Standard

By Jane Alston-Myers

When did it become okay to have a total disregard for the breed standard? There, I said it and I mean it. And I am not talking about a difference of opinions or priorities. I am talking about ignoring or rewarding DQs as defined in the breed standard. Whether it be size, weight, color, bite, eye color or pigment, breeds have DQs for a reason.

The term DQ is short for Disqualification.

Disqualification – noun – to make ineligible for a prize or to remove from further competition.

It is the responsibility of the judge to know and address all disqualifications (DQs). It is also the responsibility of the breeder, owner, and handler to know the DQs for their breed.

When a judge addresses a DQ, this does not mean putting the dog at the end of the line. This does not mean awarding the dog third out of three; it does not mean leaving the dog out of the ribbons. It means you disqualify the dog; you remove it from further competition. You mark it in your book, initial it, and the dog leaves the ring. If the judge is of the opinion that height or weight are in question, the judge has an obligation to call for the wicket or the scale, not just keep the dog out of the ribbons. If the dog measures in? Great, go about your merry way, and judge the class–but not addressing it and sending the dog to the end of the line because you think it might be too tall or you think it might be too heavy is wrong–just plain wrong. Not using a dog because you think it has a disqualifying fault–but you can’t take the time to check the standard for clarification–is just as offensive in my book.

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126 – January/February, 2022

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