AKC Agility League Crowns Season 8 Champions
The American Kennel Club (AKC®), a not-for-profit organization, the world’s largest purebred dog registry and leading advocate for dogs, is excited to announce that the AKC Agility League recently concluded its eighth season of competition and honored its top teams and competitors.
Team champions were named in each of the 10 divisions, including the League’s new division of Elementary for beginner dogs. The AKC Agility League is sponsored by Purina Pro Plan, YuMOVE, and AKC Pet Insurance.
The League offers three 12-week long seasons a year. Teams, composed of three to eight dogs, run six courses each season. There are three field/ring size divisions: Extended (100 X 100 min.); Regulation (70 X 100 min.); and Limited (50 X 70 min.) and five skill levels: Ph.D. (international); Senior (Masters/Excellent); Sophomore (Open); Freshman (Novice); and Elementary (Pre-Novice).
“A big thank you to this season’s teams,” says Gina DiNardo, AKC Executive Secretary. “To be wrapping up a successful eighth season of the AKC Agility League speaks to the dedication and hard work of the participants.”
This season’s team champions are:
Extended Ph.D. – Happy Dog Sports Team 1 – The team captain is Maggie Schoolar, and the team runs at Happy Dog Sports in Leander, Texas. Team members are:
- Emma Coombes & Pumi, Buttermilk Crik’s Candelaria Star Sailor NA AXJ XF BCAT DS DJ CGC TKI
- Maggie Schoolar & Poodle, MACH3 Safranne’s I Got You Babe MXG PAD MJS2 PJS XF
- Nikki Luxenberg & All American Dog, Katalina Cajun Creole’S NAJ NF DDB
- Kathy Quigley & Border Collie, Tamataji Tilly CDX GO RA MX AXJ MXF CGC TKA
Regulation Ph.D. – Redline Own the Course – The team captain is D. Lynne Luckow, and the team runs at Redline Canine Training Center in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. Team members are:
- D. Lynne Luckow & Border Collie, Redline This Girl is on Fire
- Ralph Nies & Border Collie, Proforza Rolling Stone
- D. Lynne Luckow & English Cocker Spaniel, Devongem Live for the Moment NA OAJ CGC
Limited Senior – Class Act – The team captain is Lori Napoli, and the team runs at Cueing Canines in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. Team members are:
- Ruth Houseman & Cocker Spaniel, Cpk’s N Vc’s Chip Off The Old Ike AX AXJ MXP MJP OF XFP T2BP
- Cathy Consla & Biewer Terrier, Strait Layne’s You Make Me Chuckle RA NA OAJ NF FCAT8 CGC TKN
- Dianne Gabel & All American Dog, PACH Oak Hills Mystery RN AX AXJ MXP5 MXPS MJP6 MJPS PAX OF MFPB T2BP2 SWE
- Dianne Gabel & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Kayangee Pretty In Pink OA OAJ OF SCN SIN SEN TKI
- Rebecca Makdad & Miniature Schnauzer, Sumerwynd Following Seas TD MX MXB MXJ MJB OF ACT2 CGC TKI
- Lori Napoli & Lakeland Terrier, AGCH MACH2 PACH2 Glacieridge Fifty Hot Cross Buns MXG PAD MJG PJD MXP7 MXPG
- Vanessa Andrews & Rat Terrier, MACH Longbranch’s Springloaded Stanley MXS MJB FCAT
- Deb Labuskes & Border Collie, Sagehill Spot On Outta The Blue! MX MXB MXJ MJB MXF T2B BCAT
Regulation Senior – Flying Feet All-Stars – The team captain is Brittany Marcum-Tilley, and the team runs at Flying Feet Dog Training in Floyds Knob, Indiana. Team members are:
- Trisha Koetter & Border Collie, Hob Nob Apple-Y Ever After RA MX AXJ MXF T2B
- Chase Conder & Border Collie, Hob Nob Dig From Within RI MX AXJ XF CGCA TKA
- Charlotte Seaton & Golden Retriever, My Sweet Dixieland Delight RE AX MXJ MJB NF
- Chase Conder & All American Dog, Galaxy’s Fly High & Flutter By AX MXJ OF
- Trisha Koetter & Border Collie, MACH2 Hob Nob Without A Doubt RA MXC MJG MXP MJP MFS TQX T2B CGCA TKA
- Charlotte Seaton & Border Collie, Hob Nob Rico Suave RI MX MXB MXJ MJB
- Brittany Marcum-Tilley & Border Collie, Hob Nob Everything You’Ve Heard RM RAE MX AXJ MXF FCAT CGCA CGCU TKA
Limited Sophomore – Splashdown’s Sophomore Woof Pack – The team captain is Nanci Miller, and the team runs at Splashdown Dog Sports in Bainbridge, New York. Team members are:
- Nanci Miller & Border Collie, Windy Ridge March To The Highlands SWN SIE SEE SBA TKI
- Susan Watson & Border Collie, Orla O’Shea FDC TKN
- Victoria Anderson & Australian Shepherd, Propwash Elsmere Rosie SWN SCA SEA CGC TKI
- Pamela Sturtz & Mudi, Scaryspice V.D. Engelwijck NA NAJ NF BCAT TKN
Regulation Sophomore – Redline Layer Slayers – The team captain is D. Lynne Luckow, and the team runs at Redline Canine Training Center in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. Team members are:
- Sherry Bishop & All American Dog, Hattie Bishop NA NAJ DCAT ACT2 ACT1J TKI FITG
- Ralph Nies & Border Collie, Byb Levon
- D. Lynne Luckow & English Cocker Spaniel, Redline Play To WinLimited Freshman – Wheatfield Whippersnappers –The team captain is Patty O’Bleness, and the team runs at Four Paws Farms in Pullman, Washington. Team members are:
- Patty O’Bleness & Border Collie, Tonglen Lake’s Call Me Maybe Baby NF TKA
- Debra Sellon & Border Collie, Contact Point’s Pippa On The Palouse NAJ TKI
- Leah Morris & All American Dog, Skye Without Limits
- Debra Sellon & Papillon, Sunara Ezekiel J Barkus NA NAJ
- Caryl Dotson & Border Collie, Buck Branch Chapel Hill Charmer
Regulation Freshman – The Cookie Rookies – The team captain is Nikki Hall, and the team runs at Their Place in Morgantown, WV. Team members are:
- Lindsay Johannes & All American Dog, Johannes’ Annie SWA SEE CGC
- Ali Wade & Vizsla, Glade Mill Mint Sprig MH CGCA CGCU TKI
- Deborah Dubois & Border Collie, Focused Intensity’s Close On Your Heels, Shaymus TKN
- Tammy Rubright & Shetland Sheepdog, Brandamike Sunshiny Day
- Diane Gross & Border Collie, Miss Una Of Roskilde
- Joyce Zwiener & Portuguese Water Dog, One Eyed Willie Captain Of The Inferno FCAT2
- Annette Savastian & Papillon, Chateau’s Master Yoda-Jedi Knight
Limited Elementary – AFDT’s Loop-y Dogs – No Catch-Up – The team captain is Marilyn Paker, and the team runs at All Fours Dog Training in Chicago, Illinois.
- Amanda Lee & All American Dog, Argos Lee
- Marilyn Paker & Labrador Retriever, Sin City For Bitters Or For Worse
- Sue Bowman & Rottweiler, GCH CH Wathaman’s Easy By Nature CD RI
- Matthew Despirit & French Bulldog, Eloise Despirt
- Carol Glassroth & All American Dog, The Stormin’ Norman ACT2
- Linda Huang & Brittany, Remy Gacek
- Emily Kessler & All American Dog, Truffles Kessler
- Ivan Femia & All American Dog, Zoe Femia CGCA CGCU TKNRegulation Elementary – Redline Run for Fun! – The team captain is D. Lynne Luckow, and the team runs at Redline Canine Training Center in Campbellsport, Wisconsin. Team members are:
- Diane Timm & Miniature American Shepherd, Cornestone’s Miss Maisie
- Sherry Bishop & All American Dog, Mira Bishop DCAT TKI FITG
- Michele Ellefson & All American Dog, Rigel Ellefson
- D. Lynne Luckow & English Cocker Spaniel, Redline Here Comes The Sun Wc HundeweltAKC Agility League winter season launches on January 13th. For more information, visit the AKC
Agility League website. For questions, email AgilityLeague@akc.org.
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